Saturday, July 18, 2009


This is my plan...

Some day soon we will sell everything we've got (save a few necessities: guitar/some good books/and a few sentimental treasures...oh! and our furry friends Zooey and Jake-and possibly our goldfish Dr. Wilbur. Ever seen What About Bob?...Gil survived in a peanut butter jar!). We will use that money to purchase the perfect VW CAmper bus with a pop top and then we'll hit the road for a very long time.

There is a big world out there and I have every intention of experiencing it BEFORE the golden years of retirement. Who says I'll even live that long? And who says that I won't be blind or deaf or incredibly dull by that time? I hope not, but you just never know.


  1. Awesome awesome awesome!


    Can't wait for the road

  2. I noticed that Eric has a motorbike/scooter in his dream - seems a little bit out of sync with the van...

  3. We could most certainly do both! Wouldn't THAT be great? :)

  4. Yeah, if you're readying for retirement then I guess you better hit the road NOW before it's too late! I guess you're much older than I was led to believe. Luckily you caught a real young guy for a husband! Anyway, take off ASAP before you're even older.

  5. I'm not sure I understand what the last comment was about.

  6. vanagon = amazing. you could find a good deal on craigslist! you could even find a diesel one and convert it!! and roll around the country for free!!!!!!!!!
